Friday, February 6, 2009

Trip to Nigata and Karuizawa

In the early January, I went to Nigata prefecture in Japan
which is my mother's home town.
Nigata had the biggest population in Japan in the old time,
and has been famous for Sake, rice and seafood,
and also for its beautiful landscape of the Nature.
I enjoyed the Nature very much especially.
I didn't up, but I also went to Karuizawa
which is a resort place in Nagano prefecture
the Olympics was held before.
It's not very far from where I live,
so I went there twice in the end of the last year,
and it was during the time for the beautiful colored leaves
and during the winter sports season.
Those were very awesome...!
I wish I can go in the springtime someday soon...
Flowers should be beautiful....

Mt. Gozu (Nigata)
 A change of the seasons in Karuizawa
Mt. Gozu and River Agano (Nigata)

A swan in the Lake Hyoko (Nigata)

Swans in a rice field (Nigata)

The rice fields in Nigata look like a beautiful green carpet of the earth during summer
and turn a shining golden color during autumn.
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